Stitches of Freedom
Art installation.
Medium: 2D Acrylic, gelatos on canvas , 3D 3ed cotton thread ,vintage clothing patterns. metal curtain rods
Size: 44"W x 57'H
Stitches of Freedom
This art installation is a visual representation of the constant struggle between individuality and social pressure to conform to pre-established norms. It addresses the manipulation that women face in social media, dictating how they should be and look. This manipulation distorts their personalities and souls, creating a false narrative of identity and self-worth.
In the painting, a nude woman with exaggerated features holds a measuring tape in her hand, symbolizing both the measurement imposed by society and her decision to take control of her own life. The background is composed of vintage sewing patterns, representing the artificial construction of identities conforming to predesigned models. The red threads running through the fabric and emerging from the woman's breasts symbolize the pain and oppression caused by these social expectations, as well as the pain of being a woman.
Scattered pins throughout the painting represent the small but constant pains that society imposes, causing discomfort and unease. Rivers of cotton threads flow out of the painting and onto the floor, representing both the pain imposed by society and the intrinsic pain of being a woman. Despite these challenges, the woman displays a bird wing in one of her eyes, suggesting a message of liberation and autonomy. She has found the inner strength to challenge the imposed limitations and fly on her own.
I am not Icarus — this statement reinforces the idea of rejecting societal pressures and embracing one's true self. Unlike Icarus, who did not heed his father Daedalus's warning and flew too close to the sun, the woman in this painting symbolizes someone who is aware of the dangers and chooses to rise above them, maintaining control and self-awareness.
"Challenging the Pattern: Stitches of Freedom" invites the viewer to reflect on the restrictions imposed by social norms and to celebrate the courage of those who dare to defy them in search of their own truth and freedom, even in the face of the challenges they may encounter along the way.